Werewolf Jones

Yeah, that line in the last episode review (to paraphrase, because I'm too lazy to look it up), that he has the swagger of a teen smoking his first stolen cigarette pretty well sums it up.

And reckless use of the Espionage Act to lock away whistle blowers.

Who said anything about "interesting"?

30 Odd Foot of Box.

What a November 7th mindset. Get with the times, man!

His greatest LIFE triumph is his role on Pete & Pete.

Don't forget Joe Arpaio for Homeland Security.

What a nasty dirtman.

Why is this in theaters now, instead of, oh, I don't know, December?

I was honestly waiting to read an explanation of her character's facial scars. That…is an asshole thing to say, but it's not meant that way.

"Every frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photograph."

Some poor bastard will be scraping the "I Voted Today" stickers off Susan B. Anthony's grave today, as we vote the uber-misogynist into office.

She is real, and so is my girlfriend Rebecca Rabbit.

"Makes sense".

This was such a baffling, tonally whiplash-inducing comic at the time. Especially when you didn't follow the business/creator side of comics and this came in your pull list in place of the previous incarnation of X-Force.

Hey, sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?

Wasn't Spawns cape sentient? Am I remembering that correctly? Also, although it's never commented upon, Mr. Gone's cape seems to slither around on its own.

Fuckin' A. I've been waiting for them to do this series. Good show, old chap.

"Great-at-the-time prizes"? I want a jukebox/Mustang convertible/African safari.

I'm not sure how cred-worthy kicking a woman is. It's hard to brag about/publicize prison time when you have to avoid answering the obvious follow up question.