Werewolf Jones

Damn, I was talking out loud again.

Sounds like the difference between the Isz in the Outback and the Isz in the real world…does anyone know what I'm talking about?

They don't know how to sell a replica of Morpheus's helmet? I'd buy one for every day of the week.

I'LL never tell.

Hail Ixchel!

I've exposed myself in all those places and more.

I'm a fan of "Allah had no son."

I used to live like a hundred yards from Creature Comforts, but back then I was too poor to buy anything but rotgut.

I'm partial to Six Point Resin and, more recently, Hopsolutely. I usually pick my IPAs by the highness of the alcohol content, but with IPAs that generally works out.

Thanks for the insight. I'll tone back my excitement accordingly.

Sort of staying on topic: I'd like an AVC review of Frost's new Twin Peaks book. I bought and will read it either way, but still.

Things, two.

Charles Darwin? Karl Marx? King Edward III? Horace Greeley? Abe Lincoln? Plato? Diogenes? All ironic, detached hipsters.

Good lord, I hope not. I think there's still first round voting, but I may very well be wrong.

A desolate place wherein you're not allowed to comment, even though the subject matter begs discussion.

But really, I wish this was a Dan Carlin tv show.

Baba Booey!

I read it as "A 'Magic Sex Cult' Thrives in the Weird Al Covers." I can't express to you the depths of my disappointment.

*Assuming you live in the same country as me.

Agreed. But we live in a country where basic scientific fact is too controversial for the classroom.