Werewolf Jones

I'm grabbing those too. I'm growing wheat grass, but I don't have a juicer. These should make it edible to some degree.

Also, his articulation is more credulous then skeptical.

Gratuitous? I found it inextricably integral to the plot.

With Mohd on vocals.

Readers of the Post take rap as seriously as the known, demonstrable threat of armed Black Panthers suppressing the vote.

I'd call you out for overusing this feature, but if I knew how to do it, I'd never go back.

It says "non-toxic".

Just finishing up Marvel Comics: The Untold Story and Joe Sacco's Palestine. Both terrific in their own way.

You can travel the world all the live-long-day without removing your head from your ass. Especially if you're traveling with money.

My dyslexia is pretty sure they need Puerto Ricans.

Why is Lena Dunham tagged on this?

The web series is absolutely terrific. I look forward to this.

She's caved in to popular demand and is working on filling in her thigh gap. She'll be ready to shoot in a few months.

That would be streets ahead.

Updated as someone who worked nights for 9 years and existed in a perpetual fugue state, unable to distinguish asses from elbows.

No, pratfalls.

As a wise commenter once said, it can be more than one thing.

Great job internet:
Jetting boner tear.
Jointer beget rant.
Janitor bet regent.
Jotting barren tee.

Is this a…what year is this?

Their characterization of Biden is maybe the only reason I still check the site.