Werewolf Jones

Hey Nong Man.


For…personal reasons I've rewatched Satan's lesson on addiction (from one of the newer seasons) several times recently. It's so great.

Maybe I'm just showing my age, but that use of "Come As You Are" had me hating this. (This comes from a place of deep love for Nirvana.)

I know the idea is to purge, but there are two dü's you need to do.

This suit burns better…look…Better…look…Burns suit.

You don't have a crown for just-in-case? Where's your ambition?

They didn't include Chucky P* in Fight Club II. Which is good, as it's self indulgent trash anyway.
*too lazy to look up the spelling.

Or able to teleport.

As a kid my mom thought I was mature enough to care for a tank of hermit crabs in my room. There was so much cannibalism.

I upvote you before even reading your posts.

Sir Psycho Sixty.

Meanwhile, some racist, sexist children are fastidiously remaking a Temple of Doom.

Wow. You're my hero. Thanks man, seriously.

I don't think I'm alone in desiring a Spoiler Space for this. Right now I'm confused, and when I get around to seeing this a year from now, I'll probably have forgotten.

To be fair, Polite Fight made me realize the linked strip is related to Arya's stair tumble. My bad.

Well if it isn't Ashton Kutcher, making me click on links that share no relation to the article. Punk'd again.

Mic City Sons, son.

Breaking Waulnts.

That was some undeserved Sabbath shade, I don't care what his mother says.