Werewolf Jones

More strikingly, we've finally found a film worse than his acting skills.
(To be fair, I haven't seen him act since the early 90s.)
Edit: Sorry, I was thinking of Twin Peak's James.

Nah, he looked like Zoolander.
Edit: Sorry, I was thinking of James.

Absolutely. I haven't read her new book yet, but I've heard Naomi Klein speak on the subject often. She points out that all the solutions tend toward a more socialistic, global society, and I tend to agree.

Agreed, but if we wait for the Revolution it'll be too late.

Choice is hard. I always defer to my Magic-8 ball.

Game of Thrones kills kids, but Walking Dead won't kill this one kid (but kills others. Oh and there's that baby on Thrones optimistically saved from walkers, but don't think about that. Ahem).

Sometimes a kinetic energy conductive Bo staff is just a kinetic energy conductive Bo staff.

I was unfamiliar with Freud's theory of the Uncanny X-Men. Interesting.

Dude. Dude, there's an Article kicking around here about a movie called Weiner. Weiner, I kid you not. It's chockablock with great pull quotes.

It's funny because the example of this sort non-sequitor rational that always comes to my mind is Sam B making fun of Occupiers for having iPhones on the Daily Show.

A law banning liberals from being rich, I think.

I Was a Teenage Exorcist.

Is the bodybuilding exorcist one of the bodybuilding troop of Christian brothers? If not, there may be too much bodybuilding going on.

The band names are not what they seem.

I'll consider it.

It's a blu-ray/DVD combo. But you probably won't win and will therefore have to buy it, yes.

Lucky. Mine's a query about the location of beef.

Important information, but it feels a bit off topic.

They chose the Rob Liefelds of Renaissance artists.

Nah. I'll just watch Dogtooth again.