Werewolf Jones

I thought Tilda Swindon was playing Skin.

The goggles do nothing!


The fjord lobby are a crafty lot.

That's a very understandable reaction (especially if you've ever heard his stamps.com song). He is a guy that makes you listen to recordings of his orgasms, after all. I just sort of feel protective of him; it's been firmly established he would likely have killed himself without the show. And there's always the fast

Risk! really needs more Podmass love. It's a phenomenal show capable of wringing all sorts of conflicting emotion from me.

I wouldn't have pinioned him as the actor sort, but I guess that's what he is becoming.

At least I comprehend one of the three advertised Clickhole ads now. That's a first.

Ironic hipster gifting.

"It's a fine line between bodily fluids."
—The AVClub

I knew her, Horatio, a mistress of infinite jest, of most excellent fanny. She hath borne me on her back a thousand times…My gorge rises at it.

A riding crop! My kingdom for a riding crop!


Damn it. I watched this on an, er, sub-legal site and all the subtitles were Cyrillic. What'd I miss?

No. No I do not.

Really tossing out the upvote red meat there, buddy.

Or, it was an attempt to have the audience experience the tragedy with absolutely no forewarning, in the same manner the family did. Less manipulation, more verisimilitude.

For real! This is a show about girls behaving badly, but this is the first time one of them has dipped into the irredeemable. Eat truck fender, Hannah.

I read that novel with a companion book designed to explain every explicable piece of ephemera. Before reading, I went through the novel and put a dot next to every line covered in the companion book. I read GR atop the open companion book and read every note as I came to it (sometimes dozens per page). I understood

Lisa Needs Braces.