Werewolf Jones

At Thanksgiving, when my uncle gets drunk he calls me a gay Libertad. I assume he means I ate too much, like a happy whale.

I think it was too big a can of worms to open; they wanted to succinctly scetch his bio and get to the music.

Well said.

And it's not an official release, but damn if Mr. Goodmorning isn't one of his earwormyest.

…are we friends?

I thought the header image was Always Sunny's Waitress. You are welcome for this edifying observation.

This is my favorite musician of all time. He's capable of emotionally moving me like no other songwriter/vocalist. That said, I approach his catalogue on more of a song by song basis; none of his albums stick out as definitive. So if I were to try to turn someone on to him, I'd likely go about it in this mixed tape

If this is anything like Across the Universe I'd better schedule a session with Lacuna Inc. now. What I'm saying is Across the Universe was an assaultively bland experience, and I'd like to have no memories of it.

But could we not describe him as an excitable, misunderstood genius?

This is perhaps the show's best season, for what it's worth. I could see jumping off last year (or maybe earlier) but if you once liked the show, I'd suggest giving it another shot.

It's a few years older, but Jubilee is required viewing as well.

Thank you! This is like the third time I've asked, and the first not answered with snark. (Not that I'm unaware of where I am/don't appreciate some good snark.)

Chin up, champ. There's always Rob Liefeld.

I'd hire you, but the economy being what it is, they nixed the position of Assistant to the Jizz-Mopper. Now I do the work of two. But seriously, good luck.

I got a tattoo today and on the consent form they specify (and make you initial) that all misspellings are your own fault.

If we're explaining things can someone please, for the love of god, elucidate StrideMother? I know it's spambot related, but those posts are always expunged by the time I get here.

I watched it twice, assuming I missed something. I guess I missed the writer's deadpan wit?

Yeah, didn't he even hop a plane?

Bottomless. The depths, that is.

This is Oliver at his best; this, the piece on police search and seizure, his whole suite on on government/bureaucratic corruption and or incompetence. These are the nearly invisible, rarely remarked upon institutional failures that are (or easily could be) greatly effecting our lives in a very negative way, and we