
Getting 5 mics in The Source for your album means soooooooooo much more.

In my scientific posts I always preface everything with a “This is my opinion”. I do it because there’s not enough space in the comments to actually put down the mathematical proofs and validations of what I’m saying. But here, this is me talking about what I’d do if I won the powerball - which is, lets face it, about

Is he forcing you to convert? Is he burning your family at the stakes screaming you are witches? Is anything he is doing, personally, affecting you? No. Then why do you care if he is Christian or not?

Personally I think it’s grosser and sadder that you’re so offended by a guy who is doing something nice and is clearly just trying to bring some hope to sick kids. Because that's the point of prayer and religion in these situations, just to have a little fucking hope.

So, the police should have stayed home? Done nothing? Right. Protesting in the manner of occupying space/ vandalism and stealing is a victimless crime...unless you have a store in the MoA.

When you were young, and dreaming of being a writer, did you ever imagine you’d actually become a professional shit-stirrer and outrage-monger who can’t be bothered by intellectual honesty or nuance?

To be fair to Carnival, they are the “Fun Ships,” not the “fun destinations” cruise line and we had a blast at their piano bar.

Fuck that noise. Someone killing themselves in a public manner is just about the most selfish move you can make. If you want to kill yourself, do it on your own time, or seek medical help.

So last year the Rockets were an elite defense and the #2 seed in the West, making it to the Conference Finals and losing to the eventual champs (who happened to be one of the three best regular season teams in 20 years), despite not having Dwight Howard for much of the season (and him being injured in the playoffs,

For a magnetic field to exist, there needs to be a molten iron core. Initial heat from planetary formation, immense pressure, and radioactive material all add to geothermal heat. Mars certainly has less pressure at its core, as it is much smaller, and it probably had less initial heat and radioactive material, as it

When there is actual evidence he raped her! This story could have read: a comatose paraplegic male in a permanent vegitative state accused of rape and you’d still be shouting guilty. Get a life.

but she’s no better for responding with more condescension and rudeness. maybe it’s just me, but journalism staff should be more professional than that, even (and especially when) someone corrects or disagrees with them.


Yeah, what Kelly doesn’t seem to know is that the hierarchies are separate. Nursing has its own hierarchy. Nursing leadership is other nurses, not doctors.

Yeah, and more and more doctors are women. We too face a lack of respect, not only from our male colleagues, but also from our nursing colleagues. And now you too ignore us.

According to gawker, behind every woman or minority who achieves something, there’s an angry old white dude shaking his fist at the heavens.

I once took care of a very wealthy & powerful man in our trauma unit that had attempted suicide. The family was in a battle to have all documentation changed to “cleaning his gun” due to the HUGE implications of his estate, money and ownership of companies changing hands.

I think it says “University of Feenicks at Zambia”

none of my acquaintances seemed to care about the ethical issues of eating there

“Look, we’ve got a serious problem here. A lot of boys don’t think careers in a STEM field are cool. What can we do to fix that?”