

  • I believe the defending NBA champs should wear championship belts to every game.

From this video I gather that these are some other people that likely work at UFC: Michael Bradley, Moby, The hasslebeck brothers, James Carville, pit bull, and Vin Diesel.

Amy Collier’s bio curiously omits the most important fact about Fabio - that he was once smacked in the face by a large bird while riding a roller coaster, leaving him with a bloodied nose and bruised dignity.

“Fuck him, he’ll never set foot on this campus again“ said Jim Capulet, Associate Dean of Students.

my parents’ shih tzu is almost 16 and is a rescue, which is so fucking amazing. he’s pretty sad these days though - he can’t see or hear, and has 2 forms of cancer, and is losing his hair, and can’t really walk. he uses my yorkie (who now lives with them) as a guide dog, and it’s pretty adorable. this is them to make

Casserole is not pizza.

I really hope that it is one very distinct and therefore easily avoided market segment :(

I think you’re missing the point of the CDC. Their whole purpose is to give you guidelines for optimal health. A glass of wine (which is 5 oz not 2) should be avoided when pregnant. The binge drinking I was referring to is for everyone and has nothing to do with pregnancy. They also have ridiculously low limits for

You know what? Fuck late people. They should be shamed. OMG especially for a professional meeting like an interview! I don’t even want to read her article, if she thinks it’s acceptable to be late to a meeting where the other person is taking time out of their day for you, then I really don’t even care what her

Eh, I am fine with shaming late people. Journalists, looking for a story, should probably be early.

Right? LOL at “late shaming.” That’s something that would show up on Millenials of New York.

I mean, he sounds like a jerk in general, but being 15 minutes late isn’t exactly something to be proud of.

The CDC makes recommendations that we don’t follow all of the time. What’s the big deal? This isn’t particularly sexist it’s just a good practice. The CDC also says women shouldn’t save up their drinking for the weekend and should only have one glass of wine per day. People joke about downing a bottle of wine on here

It’s the CDC. They’re not really in the “grey area” game so they’re standards are impossibly high and will always side with caution. It would be weird if our nation’s highest health authority endorsed anything but the safest advice possible, regardless of whether or not it is realistic. They know that a drink here or

Neuroticknight—you raise many legitimate points, but I think you are still kowtowing to the entitled perspectives of modern feminists in your post. The manosphere largely deals with the evils of feminism NOT the patriarchy.

As of all one needs to separate the wheat from the chaff. While White Cis men are certainly privileged, observation of privilege does not negate the rest of their humanity. Most people do want to express their emotional cravings, it is intrinsic, men have little channels do so though. Even feminist networks are not

“Racism is prejudice plus power”

I’m sorry, when did we all decide there was only ONE viewpoint? Let me explain this to you like I explain to my kids: My older son is bigger, stronger and older, and this comes with certain privileges and expectations when dealing with his littler sister. In spite of his relative POWER, she can still be abusive

I have no response to this.