Len Dawson's Smoke Break

He’s the hero for killing off the entire Dorne plot for good.

Here’s my suggestion. Stanton vs. Judge. Pay-Per-View event.

One can only hope that Judge will inspire a generation of hulking young men to play baseball instead of destroying their brains by playing football.

UPDATE: The water park has decided to let it slide

Man, could you imagine how many games he’d miss in a 162 game season?

What he lacks in style and technique he makes up for in a superior corner team, fashion sense, nicotine intake, and incomprehensible gibberish.

What an idiot. Dude leaves the Bulls and then wants beef.

The Taco Bell dog’s long lost sibling didn’t live the charmed life of his brother. Growing up in gang riddled LA he was constantly running afoul the law. Hardened by his years on the streets he’s just as likely to bite you as look at you, but that’s not to say he didn’t also have a catchy catchphrase: “Don’t fuck

I wouldn’t blame airbnb per se. Brooklyn has been gentrifying for years unfortunately. As white people continue to be priced out of Manhattan they head for areas of Brooklyn that are Manhattan adjacent so they’ve been causing problems in Brooklyn for years and they’re spreading across the borough.

No word yet on whether the Duck Tales Fanclub plans to follow suit.

What kind of monster tells Dolan not to quit his day job?

Newsflash to the people of and around New York:

Yeah but does it have fake shitty conservative friends who post pro-Trump stuff or dog whistle racist shit to make me irrationally angry?

Four million dollars per year per team? Why, the Sabres could use that to sign another terrible defenseman, or a goalie who can’t make it out of Rochester. Imagine the possibilities!

“I’m Keith Hernandez.”

This might be one of the worst inventions/ideas ever.

This might be one of the worst inventions/ideas ever.

I for one will be disappointed if Golden State chooses not to go to Washington. Opportunities like this come along once in a lifetime, if that. I think the Warriors, provided they receive an invitation, had better think long and hard about how to respond. It is a personal meeting with the Goddamn President of the

Los Angeles County (at 10+ million, the nation’ s most populous by far) is filled with people between 18 and 60 who left the very rust belt cities and states mentioned and never went back.