
Predator again


There is no joy in Mudville

Nevermind I’m banned

This website doesn’t fucking exist anymore

FUck the AVclub

Efffff this noise

This is some serious bullshit AVclub

Fuck this

Where is my god damn post AVclub?

Why do I need approval again? Keep jerking me around

Predator again

So does his butt

Sure sounds like a great way to talk about how you love to smell your own farts

Oh I remember this now, really douchey trailer

When I was sick I had to watch that interesting suspect or something movie with him and Jamie fox. I had to resort to watching regular tv and that’s what I watched.

For others as well

That’s still you

We’ve broken the cycle, by end of 90s it was early 90s

They looked at it with that. Think it’s out now. Seriously it was 3 days of agony though