
It’s almost like this Casey fellow doesn’t have very high standards, or any ability to discern quality, or any pride in his really quite important job.

I think we have a new candidate for the worst edited/constructed youtube video in history

It’s kind of funny (read: stupid) how we’re programmed in Western society. Girls often cosplay as male characters and that doesn’t raise any eyebrows, and women can typically wear manly clothes without much comment. Yet, as soon as a guy dresses as a woman, it becomes so much a bigger deal. It’s a weird double

Oh no, there were heroes and villains. The heroes were the many people who worked to help those who were inflicted with a mysterious disease while others worked to find a cure. The villains were those who celebrated the disease for religious reasons or those in power who mocked those inflicted. I’m torn on Shilts’

As a gay man, I had to do some soul searching after hearing this news. On the one hand, in retrospect it’s clear that the Patient Zero narrative was too neat, and possibly driven by different forms of homophobia.

To be fair, some people think that Spaniards have a fair bit of Middle Eastern ancestry because of the Umayyad conquest of Spain. I’m not sure that excuse would actually fly, but it’s a nice indication that history isn’t always as simple as “white men come from here, black men come from there, brown men come from over

Now playing

They did use archive footage for him in the 50th anniversary.

They did use archive footage of him in the 50th anniversary episode - when all of the Doctors are moving their Tardises (Tardi?) into position around Galifrey they show a clip that was very clearly from season 1 of Eccleston in his Tardis saying “fantastic!” There’s no way he has any say in whether / how archive

I understand and agree with that point, but if you’re going to make it, why pick one of the comparatively rare examples in which someone deserves a hateful pile-on?

‘Why is everyone online, no matter the topic or right or wrong, who has a differing opinion to someone else always an idiot or a moron?’

That pretty much goes without saying, right? Magic sky friends?

People who deny facts, logically constructed models, and science are idiots.

Um, I’m pretty sure Global Warming Alarmists don’t know this...

I read that comment quickly and somehow assumed he was making fun of climate change denial. My mistake. I think this meme encapsulates the problem pretty well.

Actually, we do know this.

Saying that the current global warming trend is natural because the Earth has warmed naturally in the past is the same as saying a corpse with a knife stuck in the back must have died of natural causes because people have died of natural causes in the past.

We are well aware of the fact. But unlike People That Think Thousands of Years of Burning the Shit We Dig Up Out of the Ground, Building Massive Cities, Clear-Cutting Old Growth Forests, Polluting the Air We Breathe and Using Environmentally Detrimental Agricultural Practices Is Having No Effect on the Earth's Fragile

and I'm pretty sure that you don't know shit about climate change.

And I'm pretty certain that the thousands of scientists who have studied the matter do in fact understand this, but are not so intellectually deficient as to believe that this disproves anthropogenic climate change.