Andrew Dice-K

Cool article! You should definitely understand the context though, which is that a highly paid football player was walking off the field (after getting ejected for acting like a child!), was getting yelled at by opposing fans (which is totally their right!), then deviated from leaving the field to go yell at them

Perhaps the Great War will end with Braymond contracting Matt’s conDEESHon!

Read somewhere that meek mahon gave Matt total freedom, and he chose Bray as his first feud. Makes sense given how hot this gimmick is.

I think it’s kinda perfect. Matt’s interJECsssshhhhiiiiooonnssss was a perfect contrast to the usual Bray inaneness.

I like how you’re assuming Bray is there to put Matt over and not the other way around.

Fifty-three percent of elligible white women in the U.S. who voted, voted for Donald Trump in 2016.

“53% of white women voted for Trump”

“Fifty-three percent of white women in the U.S. voted for Donald Trump in 2016 ...That statistic should be cited, and often...”

Old Young man streams through Cloud

Oh I get it. All country music writers are black to you.

Geena Davis is an Olympic-level archer.

More aggregious is the canned language the announcers and wrestlers need to use.

Please go on about the depth of lyrics like Dynamo Hum...

I’m a hipster and a fraud for saying I like the man and what he stood for, even if I don’t like his music? Okay, then.

“little thought has been given to the Apu character beyond the accent, that Apu is his ethnicity (and a blatantly distorted one at that) and that’s it.”

There is nothing more american than a healthy disrespect for the president.

I am seriously tired of people who go to public events (concerts, games) and then get so sloshed they haven’t a damned clue.

Another reason to avoid Miami area hospitals

We live in an age of hyperbole and quick takes.

I don’t care. Vin Scully is the voice of God and always will be. He can be wrong occasionally.