Andrew Dice-K

A felony for that shit? Fuck off cops.

Make up your damn minds people. I can only cancel/uncancel this Papa John’s order so many times.

Jazz Odyssey by Spinal Tap (it was the bass player’s idea)

If you retract the article, there will be a void where a snarky column about a pyramid’s spiritual emptiness should be. (Also, that pyramid sounds like a millennial, it should totally act it’s age.)

I’m very sorry for joking about a pyramid’s spiritual emptiness. I hereby retract this article.

I tell you, Alien Jesus gets no respect.

No, seriously, are you somehow unfamiliar with the work of Sean O’Neal, the author of this piece? Snarky tone is kind of his “thing.” As he’s demonstrated time and time again, right here on this site.


Look, buddy, you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.

No one has plundered it since 820 AD. Today it just sits there in the dirt getting old and craggy,

Just like Drew Bledsoe did

I hate you for spelling his name like that

If two fans hang an anti-facism/racism banner at an MLS game and nobody sees it, did it really get hung?

Dude walked off the job in the most literal sense, and is worried about getting blackballed? Whoever assigns/hires the refs for high school football probably ranks “might not actually work” pretty among the reasons not to give someone a game I would think.

There’s also the camera rune (unless you haven’t unlocked that yet at the time)

Hey! This sidewalk is for REGULAR WALKIN’, not FANCY WALKIN’

If you go to the southern shrine first, it’s not bad at all - just take a picture, float down to the lower northern shrine, take another picture, solve the shrine, then warp back to solve the first one. If you forget about that (as I did on my second playthrough) and hit the northern shrine first without having

I fucking wish.

I just used Link’s in-game camera for that?

Idiotically, I thought this really hot brunette would be impressed by a dick pic. Even worse, for unfathomable reasons, I sent her a a pic looking tiny and flaccid. She not only never replied but she went on to show it to, like, everyone. I was a laughing stock.