
Yeah, I’m pretty sure I never believed it was a Marvin Lewis problem as much as it was a skinflint idiot Mike Brown problem.

I think the big win scheme is something like: hang on to your job until the Steelers come to town then hope for the best.

I mean, she’s not wrong. Plus, calling for Hillary to enter the race (presumably to split the vote and further diminish the Dem’s chances) really doesn’t help her in the “I’m not a Russian asset” department.

Got those 23 & Me results back, huh?

Am I crazy, or are most of these not even screens? Or just they are executed that poorly? I thought the whole point of a screen was that the O-lineman release their rushers and get out in front of the receiver? These just look like dump-off passes...except planned dump-offs...

Beats the Dolphins’ strategy, a mix of button mashing and disconnecting the controller.

There is something sublimely inept about the combination of the pessimism that causes one to call a series of screen passes and the optimism that designs those screen plays so that all the blockers on the screen side are running to start their blocking assignments five to seven yards downfield, when the receiver never

The blocking on those screen passes is ATROCIOUS. Like instead of hands they have flippers.

What do you expect to happen, step by step? Your premise is that LeBron controls the NBA. Let’s assume that’s 100 percent true.

exactly. also anyone who is freaked out by this has obviously never worked anywhere remotely near food service.

Obviously that’s terrible, but what are you doing about it? Probably writing angry shit on the internet that no one in China will ever read, just like me.

Anyone who thought this was something to be scandalized over has no business being around food prep. If you think Panera makes everything they sell there fresh every morning (or any other fast food restaurant for that matter), you are insane. There is a reason the food always tastes the same no matter what location

This isn’t going to stop with the NBA.

He can’t have it both ways,

Famously disappointed cruiseship passengers.

As an actual employee of Uber (former) I can assure you that no one was tricked, manipulated or mislead. Like most people they are either too dumb or too lazy to read what they are signing up for. What people were looking for was an easy money grab for themselves. It is an easy money grab, but for the company. There

Okay, everyone reading this blog post: how many of you are surprised by Nolan’s article? If you’re surprised, please raise your hand.

You’ve got to feel bad for the college kids, young folk and people who don’t know about taxes (sooo many people!) don’t understand the tax consequences of being an independent contractor means you pay not only more for more complex tax prep and are taxed as a small business but can’t write-off the expenses yo might

Its shocking to me that anyone would say “ i am stuck doing uber”. I cannot figure out how a person could be stuck doing a gig that is 100% voluntary for less then minimum wage, when there are actual minimum wage jobs. That is unless that person really enjoys the freedom of uber and really wants to maintain that but

I just don’t feel bad for these people. It’s very clear that everything is on you from the beginning. Uber/Lyft provides a platform for you to make extra money on the side. This isn’t a career. I did both Lyft and Uber while I was looking for work. I continued to do so when working a job that involved me cleaning