
I really don’t understand why Gawker is perpetuation these “Uber is the devil” articles. There are two general opinions posted, and the two sides argue. It’s stale at this point.

They’re counting on him to be healthy for at least 1-5 years.”

Hey, the Bernie supporters can point to Trump as someone who has a lot less stress as President. 

Lol at the delusional responses to your comment.

Says person with no evidence or personal experience to back up that claim

Eh, you’ve wasting your time with most of Bernie’s supporters. In addition to all the other magical things they believe he can do, they’re convinced that he’s solved the problem of human mortality and that being almost 80 by 2020 wouldn’t pose any kind of significant risk to his being able to not dying or becoming

First of all you’re just pulling that shit out of your ass without any knowledge whatsoever. If you look at pictures of Obama, GWB, and Clinton at the start and end of their terms, evidence suggests the stress of the job does take a pretty big damn toll on the body

Unfortunately for Bernie things don’t tend to slow down and get less stressful once you actually become President.

Considering how many Splinter writers have “editor” in their title, it’s truly surprising how little editing they actually do. 

They’re counting on him to be healthy for at least 1-5 years.

These comments are the left wing version of the Seth Rich murder. Get ahold of yourself people it's embarrassing, your conspiracy theory isn't even good if the cops wanted to kill him they would have done it BEFORE he gave testimony you dumbshits. 

Good gracious. Everyone on here either needs to put down their tin foil hat or stop clutching their pearls.

Maybe the problem is with the term “pansexual” which is fucking stupid, and as you pointed out, insulting to anyone who is trans as it implies they aren’t really the gender they say they are.

So your take on what the Dems should do is that they should be just like the Senate GOP (i.e. Moscow Mitch) and do absolutely nothing? Other than impeachment, that is?

You’ve been given a huge platform and this is the kind of garbage you’re going to write?

You mean Turkey makes the structural frames for same F-35 fighter that has consistently failed to deliver the promised results, become the most cost overrun plagued defense project in history, and has basically been one giant clusterfuck from the moment it was designed? That F-35?

I will kiss your ass in public and give you two hours to draw crowd if nachos are $6 at that stadium 

I’d say that’s pretty true for all socioeconomic classes, people generally hang out with people in their same tax bracket.

You don’t wind up sitting beside a former POTUS by accident. Ellen went to the stadium knowing she was going to hang out with GWB and that’s okay.

I like Ellen, she’s a good person that had the bad luck of attending the same game as a former doofus president that made a Guinness record of bad policy decisions. Next time, don’t go if Shrub is in attendance. Easy Peasy.