wendy summers

The xbox $20 giftcard deal requires you purchase an xbox or xbox one at the same time as the xbox live subscription

While you're at it, add never hold your face parallel to the camera lens. Almost everyone looks better when your nose is a few degrees off the axis.

I'm making it a point to make sure my fridge is clear of all but one or two ingredients before shopping again. It's made me more creative in what I prepare. Since starting this practice, I haven't had a single item of food go bad from spoilage and my monthly grocery cost is down by 20%.

The brilliant film Idiocracy has already eloquently highlighted the path you propose: it can only lead to uhmerica.

Learn basic bookkeeeping. A solid understanding of accounting opens an unbelievable number of doors and it's very easy to move into other departments from there.

"Also, more urination during the day and much, much less of it at night."

I challenge your view of reality and substitute my own. I've yet to share the bed with a man who doesn't sweat when he sleeps.

On behalf of people everywhere I implore, nay beg, that you add showering to your morning ritual. K? Thx.

5 am until 1 pm... I get a second wind about 5:30pm - 9pm.

It needs to be taught - the kids are hearing about things from each other long before we ever did.

Here's a trick I use. Occasionally when I call customer service lines I get someone whose grasp of English clearly isn't strong enough to resolve a complex issue. When I suspect those cases, I speak in Spanish rather than English which typical gets me transferred to a stateside bilingual call center - I switch back


How else do you convey she's actually working and not playing WwF online?

My friends and I do this all the time... although it's always paid or promotional in someway...

Did anyone else think AD with this?

My secret to reading lots of books:

I'm as fascinated by this as a car wreck. I shouldn't watch; I shouldn't be fixated... but I am. I can't turn away!

I feel you on this one... I was majorly underweight as a teen but they told me I was "fat" because they tried to hide from me that I was developing breasts. It's lead to an ongoing body image issues. Parents need to be careful what messages they do communicate to children when it comes to their bodies.

I'm with you on this one. The times I've let them drop the number first I've always come out ahead.