1) I'm in the tax neighborhood - so thanks for prejudging!
1) I'm in the tax neighborhood - so thanks for prejudging!
er... not to correct you Dukes but " be born rich or sleep your way to the top!"
Actually I have two great jobs and I'm definitely among the privileged few in the US. Doesn't mean I need to be an ass about it and write an article how awful my life is because I can't buy all the LEGOS I really want. The problem isn't in who wrote it, but how she framed the discussion. Life hacker is about…
Tessa, sadly the article is not framed like that... worse it's relatively easy to make those choices when even after her "cuts" their household income still exceeds the median in the US.
Shawn, from your simple comment, I suspect you could have written a better article for lifehacker than she has. Tracking expenses and determining what you can lower is critical to making massive cuts in your expenses. Too bad the author failed to frame her discussion in that light.
How did you cut your spending? By eliminating luxuries most people would never even experience.