Wendi Muse

or gloss: bidi bidi bom balm! :-)

part of me wonders though if that is part of the campaign itself (and i don’t mean that in a conspiracy theory way, i just mean in terms of politics). present the image of being against a certain practice, then give in in places where it hurts (like consumer bankruptcy legislation, which elizabeth warren has made

this is why it’s important (sorry, this is a repeat post):

it’s hard to think of a better symbol of “white feminism” than hillary clinton. i am a woman and i resent this use of gender to push back when she has been totally ok d*cking over all types of women repeatedly. i say this in total recognition of the overlap, but here they are, spelled out individually: haitian women,

surely some Trump spawn or bored dentist attempting to live out his colonial fantasies will kill him soon enough.

when the reportER*

i am a leftist, but sometimes i watch fox and read conservative news online to have some idea of what such a large chunk of america sees. the vitriol with which they refer to msnbc reporters in general is borderline incitement of violence, and it’s even worse when the report is a woman, let alone of african descent.

it’s just the term. micro bc they are verbal and not physical and sometimes more subtle articulations of racism instead of blatant ones. calling someone “nigger” would not be a microagression. calling a predominately black neighborhood “sketchy” on the basis of race and/or class is. it’s like saying “nigger” in more

i get what you’re saying, but there are plenty of white people in latin america, including in brazil. their babies are also at risk. now, given, the areas where the virus is at its worst is super hot climates, which, in brazil’s case, means the northeast, a predominately afro-descended region (though with a white

hmmm...where i have seen this sort of thing before? oh yeah:

again, and i am now tired of repeating myself, the perspective in mm is still that of white people, just like almost every other period piece that has followed in its wake. we saw mlk through the perspectives of white people. we saw history, as we always do, from the perspectives of white people. we saw life, as

and to add: that’s why i call it an excuse. most excuses are crappy anyway. this is no exception :-)

agreed - hence my suggestion earlier about doing more work with carla and the other black “help” throughout the show. just imagine if they had a few episodes from her side...it would still very much contribute to the story line and introduce more actors of color (her husband/partner, her children, her neighbors ...

it’ an excuse bc it’s given when people question the lack of diversity in the show. but the main issue is that the stories people start with only involve white people over and over. and then with the the ones that could involve a more diverse cast, execs still hire predominately white casts and relegate poc to filler

It seems like my idea went over some people’s heads, so here it is again:

Thanks for reminding me of my sound comment. Tne “nope” was for your misinterpretation and intentional distortion thereof.


Re-read my comment and have a great night.#readingisfundamental

Oh no, i am saying that poc people could play primary chars on such shows regardless of race. It is not a major part of the storylines.

we are not...i am sure if you totalled all of her screen time, it would come under an hour long