Wendigo's Old Fashioned Humanburgers

Kelly Anne Conway thought it was a good idea to leave the house this morning dressed like a nutcracker, why the fuck would I take any of her advice?

Tiny crowds to fill his tiny hands

Nice work. I can’t even get my movements to control MY movements when I’m drinking.

The red ones from the ’80s were even better.

Agreed. Or, even their 80's ones were better.

Aside: The Falcons should go back to those ‘90s uniforms permanently.

I see it really Dent over his head.

Dear Jorge,

I think Trump knows that his base doesn’t really want an end to the ACA so he’ll make a huge splash by vetoing the repeal. Trump has a golden opportunity here to stand up to Congress and he bladder take it.

With all this back and forth, Harvey really comes across as two-faced.

“Man, if I had a suit jacket button for every time I fucked up over the past few years...”

Nice try. But we’re expanding nearly exponentally. We have no choice but to interact with those species. And that interaction is not going to benefit us in the long term. Mark my words on that. Also: for those animals we consider “pets”... are you sure that they’re not getting as much from us as we’re getting from

They beat quantum physics into submission.

Almost... too friendly

For some reason I just assumed this was set in like the 1500s this entire time and didn’t realize it was HBO. I saw some snippets of reviews mentioning that there’s music by LMFAO and just thought it was a trashy absurd show. Knowing that it’s set in modern times and is an HBO show only kiiiiinda makes it seem less

“Schneider was nominated for a 2000 Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor, but lost to Jar-Jar Binks.”—Roger Ebert

So, like... a penguin?

They switched to Monster Cables.

How is he going to watch Yankees games now?!

The worst part happened when he discovered that Aaron Rodgers wasn’t actually inside the TV.