
Julie Klausner still on her quest for a profile raise via feud. I guess it would help if the person she’s calling out knew who she was.

Google reports Chelsea’s dad said they’re planning an Oct. 1 wedding, so if the baby’s due in February, she won’t be too far along. I’m surprised I didn’t know her wedding date off the top of my head. I watch too much Teen Mom/16 & Pregnant too.

C’mon, you can’t just leave this here and walk away! Details, please!

Eeeeeeeeeeyikes. [ONTD]

Taylor and Calvin were kind of a draw.

Ugh. First Ann Curry (she was fired because he supposedly didn’t like her) and now this. Makes CBS This Morning look more and more appealing.

No they’re not. No one even knew what Calvin Freaking Harris looked like before he started dating Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift has been megastar, super famous for six or seven years.

For me it has to do with mindlessly watching these people for so long. The fact that two people who are having an affair could have such generic/forced rapport is so fascinating.

Is the rumor still floating out there that Natalie Morales spawned a Lauer Love Child?

Remember two things about Calvin Harris:

Except vegan YouTube drama.

Natalie Morales lived around the corner from me and she’s an ass.

Other 11 letter words include stockjobber, objectivism, chockablock, and sequelizing. 11 letter words are funny.

One of the Teen Mom moms who’s no longer a teen is pregnant again.

Eeeeeeeeeeyikes. [ONTD]

(why would this exist?)

I was listening to that Calvin-Rihanna song this morning and thinking how good that parts that aren’t the autotuned “You ooh ooh ooh hoooo you yoooooooou hoooo” are.

I hate read it sometimes. I admit it. I have a problem. On days I feel bad about myself, I need to know that someone is worse off than I am writing-wise. BOOM done and done!