
You’re comparing being disabled to being a doctor or athlete? A career choice? Good grief.

How often do disabled actors get cast in roles where the character neither needs to be disabled or not disabled for story reasons?

But if we cast people with disabilities as people with disabilities, how will they ever film the scenes where the poor, sad disabled person gets out of their wheelchair only to later discover that it was all a dream? What are we supposed to do? Not film those scenes?

Of course. Not boycotting an entire franchise (which is not racist in premise) because some of it’s earliest prints are racist means I must want blatantly racist characters dancing across the screen. Totally the same.

I am curious as to why she thinks native Zambians think angels would have long blonde hair.

Becky with the long angel hair?

“As the night ticked interminably by, I tried not to think what the rebels would do to the ‘skinny white muzungu with long angel hair’ if they found me.”

Oh c’mon. Tintin in the Congo was written in 1930, with a specific aim to make colonisation seem all fine and dandy. Enjoying Tintin media made now is hardly supporting a comic that is eighty six years old (it’s not like they’re using the funds to make new versions), and was made for a specific time with a specific

Wouldn’t read but would read reviews.

their spawn will be a mayonnaise on wonder bread sandwich

I would also like to call out Louise Linton on sounding like an obnoxious supporting character in the Superman universe, like an heiress who tries to date Clark Kent so he’ll report positively on her family company or something.

You should have included this nugget from the Globe story:

Yeah, I love have they decided to signal to her that she is equally to blame and thus an order must be entered protecting him from her.

The Rev. Robert Thompson praised Michaella for accepting the arrangement, later writing, “You did a great service for Chudi, because you gave him an opportunity to express his regret and to take responsibility for what he had done.”

How can they enforce a no contact order IF HE’S SEEING HER EVERY WEEK?

“The good news, is you/we don’t have to report this to the police; there was no penetration” And there you have it, the worst sexual assault quote of the week.

Because she has a vagina...duh. I mean, what if she damaged his future?

Presumably you meant “that’s”, not “thats”.

I’m usually a fan of restorative justice, but this just isn’t cutting it.

a typo