
Being disgusted/disturbed by images or video of medical procedures isn’t really going to stop people from getting medical procedures...

I know these chumps think that just showing pictures of aborted fetuses will make people think, “oh my god, poor babies!!!!” and suddenly be anti-abortion, but I see those pictures and think, “what the fuck weird alien sci-fi shit is that?!?”

Won’t most people just think that’s a picture of Donald Trump?

I look after two little ones who are 6 and 8 - the kids are tall and reed slim, but I see what they eat and I pack their lunches myself. There mama is tall and slim/athletically built by design so it makes sense that they have shot up quick and have the metabolisms of cheetahs. I can count the vertebra on each of

So people are concern trolling Kristen about her skinny kids, have they also forgotten that she's an anti-vaxxer fuckwit?

Did anyone else find Martha Stewart’s Instagram vaguely threatening? If I were her sibling, I’d be watching my back! :)

Lamar clearly has a death wish. Yes, he’s a vicious addict, but you’d think after he nearly lost his life he would have counted his blessings. Word is he is the nicest, most generous guy ever, adored by teammates. This is heartbreaking.

The Kardashians are making me feel better about the fact that we can’t afford to travel this summer. At least our grounds are crackpipe free and my partner is present at any and all birthday parties. Thanks Kardashians.

Dirt bag is a twice-daily feature with a compilation of celebrity gossip. It’s not a commentary about Lamar Odom.

25k a month.

They also sent Scott to rehab a couple times. If he doesn't want get better, that's his life. I doubt they're begging him to go out in Vegas.

The article doesn’t go into detail, but being from Baltimore and having this happen 10 mins away from my front door has me a bit invested. The area in which this woman was walking was a neighborhood in North Baltimore city, just by the county line named Roland Park. It is easily the most affluent neighborhood in

This is a science, tech, sci-fi, comics, movies, and general geek and nerd blog. You viewing it through blinders doesn’t change that. Climate change is science. One of the prominent scientists in the field was murdered. The author is reporting that. Don’t know what to tell you.

If it was a lawyer or Doctor or professor the headline would read the same. Prominent people in their field have their professions listed if it’s newsworthy. Only maniacs read that and say “it’s part of the liberal conspiracy!” She was a prominent scientist in her field and her work is a relevant part of qualifying

Molly Macauley was much more than just an environmental think-tanker. She was one of the few space economists in the world and a member of the National Academies of Science. She spent decades working on space policy in addition to her environmental work.

Yeah, no.

If Stephen Hawking was fatally stabbed, would you prefer they omit his vocation and accomplishments?

Wah wah wah people mention peoples’ professions all the time in these articles but I am going to politicize it by accusing the author of politicizing it wah wah butthurt

Ah yes, because nobody ever includes someone’s profession in an article about a person who was killed.

Motive for the fatality is a good reason to include her occupation as well as describing who she was. If she was a professional person in any field, her vocation would be included in the story.