
Cute. We can’t be single-issue about everything. If the NHS has a low budget, the solution isn’t “well, we should provide healthcare to less people”, it should be “we should change how we fund healthcare”.

The extent for young children is taking hormone blockers to delay puberty until they are old enough to start hormones. While minors, they present as their identified gender, but no surgery.

Science does not have to catch up with anything. It just is.

I bought my friend in the UK her hormones for 2 years because her GP won’t let her see a gender specialist because she is on the spectrum. The NHS is a disaster for trans people.

I don’t define “my” gender. I’m a woman and that’s it.

When I was younger, I often wished for that. I don’t want to not be a woman, but sometimes I’d like to be a dude for a minute. As I’ve gotten older, I don't feel that way nearly as often, but I'd still jump at the chance to be a guy for a week.

You’re trying to describe your reality by using words and concepts that you don’t understand.

Sense of gender and sense of self are different.

Is it the kind of feminine name that can also be a man’s name? Like Ashley or something? Because your office mate might just be a guy with a name that is often (but not always) considered feminine.

I am not unequivocally feminine or masculine, but I am unequivocally a woman even when I do “masculine” things. I find it confusing when people try to police my behavior by arbitrary rules about what you can do as a boy or a girl. It’s so rigid.

Sex change treatments barely cost the NHS anything. What costs the NHS more is people who go out every Friday and Saturday night and get drunk, what costs the NHS more is that Tories are trying to destroy it.

If you want to go by that mean-spirited reasoning a good many cancers and heart problems are caused by habits people have been warned against for decades. If we stopped paying to treat those who didn’t listen to health warnings and made them pay for treatment of their self-inflicted problems we’d have plenty of money

Basically what some others have said, if you’re unsure, just ask what they prefer to be called by. And that’s the best way for kids. Let them ask.

The Government also just announced that they will be will be updating Gender Recognition Act 2004. Under the changes they will make sure that being transgender will no longer be deemed a mental illness by any public body/doctor and people will not have to go through unnecessary loopholes. They will also not require

Were you introduced to them by a third party? If so, it’s possible that they were misgendered by that 3rd party. Ask their pronouns and/or what they prefer to be called.

Depending on the environment you work in, you could say something like “I’m not sure. People can be men, women, or neither and I haven’t asked [Name] how they identify.” Then, depending on how preachy/teachy you want to be (and probably after checking in with this person first) you can say “If you aren’t sure, you can

I really want to post something positive from my own experience about my partner here but i just cant be bothered dealing with angry peoples hate over her so early today. I kinda don’t have the patience to deal with trolls at 5:45am so I’m just going to smoke up then cuddle back up to my baby instead.

I was referring to my office mate being uncomfortable with the kids’ questions or the kids being rude, not to people being uncomfortable with my new colleague. But you’re right, easiest thing would be to have them ask their questions directly.

I would assume someone who is non-binary and works with kids is used to their questions as well, I’m just a mother hen and hate for people to be uncomfortable.

You could ask about their pronouns. And if they are them/they/theirs or other than the binary, then I think you handled it great. But I’m a transman, maybe somebody can speak to non-binary or agender etiquette.