
Don’t listen to the haters, Vegas. I love your posts, especially when you share photos. Rock on with your bad self, and ignore the grumps.

I get his point. He’s saying the only reason they are making the character gay is because he, an actor, who played the character, was gay. It’s a kind of sexual typecasting.

They did run it by him, and he said he didn’t like it, and had good reasons, but I happen to like the idea of Sulu in this new universe being gay.

Stalkers of the past weren’t as entitled. That one dude who wanted to marry Jodie Foster at least tried to woo her by attempting to assassinate the president. This guy just expects to show up at the house, turn on the waterworks and hopes she'll say yes? Step up your game, dude.

Was Ciera doing the re-virgining thing? ‘Cuz she has a kid right, or was that via immaculate conception?

Since, surprisingly, there hasn’t been a post about this year’s ESPN body issue, I thought I’d leave some of it here. Highlights include Chris Mosier, the first transgender athlete to be photographed for the issue; para-athlete Allysa Seely, 56 year old Greg Louganis, and Dwyane Wade apparently having a little too

That shit is terrifying, and I’m glad he didn’t get anywhere near Swifty.

His opposition to it stems from the fact that it wasn’t part of Roddenberry’s vision and therefore not canon. So it’s not the relation to his sexuality that he’s opposed to.

Okay, so there’s one man who’s a worse match-up for Taylor Swift than Tom Hiddleston. Fair enough.

I think it’s silly. I really dislike when people pull “but the canon!” about fictional series where only a small amount of fans even have any awareness of the canon and they are really restarting the series in general. The same complaints have been made about Star Wars. It’s just holding on to the older vision, things

If they’re paying homage to George Takei, can John Cho run around shirtless and oiled up while swinging a sword around?

According to the Hollywood Reporter article that maraleia so kindly linked, they did run it by him. When Takei made his feelings known, they proceeded to clamp their hands over their ears and hum the Star Trek theme song.

Didn’t the first movie in the new films create an alternate reality? Wouldn’t this Sulu be Alternate Reality Sulu instead of Original Takei Sulu?

I know!!! What Hollywood needs is MORE JOHN CHO!!!

I may or may not have written up a synopsis for a thriller-comedy-romance on twitter starring him and Dev Patel as roommates who go on a heist. I think Danielle Brooks was the love interest.

Ugh John Cho is so sexy. Why isn’t he in more movies? Hollywood really is fucked up for dropping the ball with him.

I actually don’t really understand his point. It seems to be the same kind of argument people make when they get mad that an already famous white character is played by a person of color. I’m pretty disappointed to read something like that coming from him.

Also John Cho needs to be everything and I will always love him for taking every opportunity to drag J.J Adams abt the Khan whitewashing thing and basically his whole writing and directing of Star Trek.

It’s probably too much to want his husband to be played by Kal Penn.

Except that isn’t true for the people who died in France that summer because of the heat wave and no air conditioning. Or the people here in the US where it happened. I don’t think it has so much to do with humidity as the temperature itself. And deserts aren’t the only places that get hot, right?