Hopefully my final thought on this campaign, but one I wanted to share... Hillary, I think you may've been pretty masterfully mra trolled here.
Hopefully my final thought on this campaign, but one I wanted to share... Hillary, I think you may've been pretty masterfully mra trolled here.
I wonder is there any Nair experience that doesn't end with you writhing in pain desperately trying to wash the chemical burns off yourself?
Tyson laid it out in the show's first episode:
Working for a large insurance company/clinic conglomerate, I second this.
I use it or hear it so many times a day the phrase has lost all meaning. Also, they were talking about implementing ICD-10 "next year" for like three years before meaningful use became a big honking deal, at least that's my perception as an education-type.
My internal medicine doctor is the worst. She charges me nothing, but then she expects me to clean her house and help with her laundry. Can you imagine?
Oh boy, this one is near and dear to me as both an avid hater of woo-woo bullshit and being a doctor spouse.
Can we talk about the sheer amount of people who inquired about what treatments my Dad was seeking during his cancer battle? And can we also discuss the people who would then guilt him and shame him for NOT exploring alternative treatments?
It is constantly amazing to me the medical conspiracy theories that are prominent among even highly-educated people. There is SO much pseudoscience out there about GMOs, vaccines, nutrition, "toxins" and "detoxing" (ughhhhhhhh), or the general idea that there is some kind of mass conspiracy among doctors to keep…
Absolutely, if your alternative treatment works for you and does no harm to yourself or others, do it. For instance, I don't think that homeopathy is anything more than magic water, but I also think that if you can activate a placebo response, good on you. That is a valid method of treating yourself and there are no…
This list manages to contradict itself and be redundant.
It was a pathetic attempt at a joke. In all honesty at first it looked like Bryan Adams when I was trying to figure out how to comment on this stupid Kinja.
It was a poor attempt at a joke.
Maaaan..I could watch him swing his hips for hours. *le sigh*
So, I'll just be watching this for a while...
oh i love my ginger elvis. he makes my lady parts tingle.