
Forget Solo, I’d rather see a movie about Rex and Fives.

OOOH! Fan art can make an impact! Then there’s hope for my two Star Wars casting choices! I drew Callan Mulvey and Frank Grillo as scoundrels and bounty hunters.

Blech. He’s still no Manu Bennett.

Wheelman > Baby Driver. Come at me, bros! And The Foreigner kicked all kinds of ass, lean and nasty and efficient.

Didn’t see this in the thread yet, pressed the “load more comments” a dozen times first.

Oh my gosh than you SO MUCH for the credit. I have seen her Thor and Star Wars comics all over my FB feed but no one would post the source so I could see more. Thank you!

That’s fair. I can see Hux as a muppet.

Armitage, as his friends call him. If he had any.

And now I’m a die hard Rachel Pierce fan. THANK YOU.

Well, it’s all Snoke’s doing, right? And we’ve all heard about being seduced by the dark side. I think he decided to be as literal as possible and seized that moment to connect her with swole Kylo. Cause damn... even I caught some awkward lady boner feelings with that.

The best thing to come of TLJ is Emo Kylo Ren is tweeting again.

That’s how Grampa Vader wore his pants.

My sister audible gasped and said “awesome”.

OMG... I love that so much.

The same thing happened when we saw it Friday night. This girl in the back of the theater said “yes!” kinda loud and made half the theater laugh during that scene.

That was a scene in the movie? Huh, that makes this set of comics make more sense:

Thanks for the enthusiast’s review. Glad you enjoyed the film.

Sounds interesting and I love Grillo but fuck Mel Gibson. I hope they find someone else.