
Static electricity. They zapped each other when their noses touched and are reeling from the sudden jolt.

Chicago Blackhawks Lose Their 1st Game

No, they swept them 3-1.

Socialism: Potentially appealing to half the country if the only other option is racist, sexist, and quasi-fascist. Catch the fever!

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

Calm down, Rocket.

These are all from me.

Can you print these out and bind them in leather wrapped hardback? I would love to sit in my overstuffed chair and peruse these on a cold winter night. Freaking classics. I will say they are at least persistent.

If none of the umpires thought the ball might’ve hit the ad, then none of the umpires were looking that direction and that seems like a bit of a problem.

Barry, are you insinuating that the Cardinals won....

Holy crap, that is the most nuanced position I have heard from anybody. #Popovich2020! Make America have long term consistent success like the Spurs!!!

good, usually peaceful protest is completely ignored, which is why everyone thinks all these protests involve riot gear, trespassing and fighting.



That is why we need to make America great again.

I’d believe this 9 out of 16 times.

When will NFL owners get a fair shake? First you expect them to spend some of their own money to build their stadiums ... now you expect them to refund money that was paid for a service they never intended to provide? This isn’t the America I know.

And let’s be honest, putting the Rams in a “football-starved” market isn’t the best way to feed it.

Must be a first for everything.