
As a person of color, Ifly Quantas all the time and have never once been treated poorly. I’m inclined to believe that Will and his crew were the ones at fault.



It’s not bad to ask them to do better - OP is just complaining about shit:

“I dont like eating Spinach, ever since I ate a great spinach dish... now all spinach is kinda shitty and I force myself to keep eating spinach incase I get that same exact dish again... but I’m disappointed that all the spinach I eat is missing the parts of the dish I really liked”

See how dumb that sounds. This is

Not really. Sometimes loosing vast sums of cash protects you from high taxes on that cash. By funneling that money into off shore businesses that are “vendors” for yours you effectively clean the money, move it, and avoid large swaths of taxes while cleaning money and moving it to safe-havens without too much effort

If you’re disappointed, stop playing. The game is no longer for you. Move on and find something else and stop trying to force it into your life. 

I cam here to say the same thing. That’s Moya. The whole set is repurposed par parts of her.

This is some dumb shit. Just put the regular cosmo in a cup shaped like boobs or a decapitated head, or you know something that fragile men will feel comfortable holding and then we can all laugh at them for that.

Let me get this straight — on the one side we have a proven liar, who lied so frequently and so badly that it caused his marriage to dissolve and jury to consider his lying to get his wife to marry him equivalent to fraud.... but the person who is lying about her kid’s gender identity is the mom here, even though she

They’re in the video at the bottom.

You must be a Bowie scholar! I would love to see all of the research you’ve done on him and his career. I mean... you seem to know him intimately... one would assume it’s beyond just your opinion based on your interpretation of his career and an actual true objective review of his words, work, and path. I would LOVE

FAKE. Doctors in the US cant divulge info like this due to HIPPA regulations. 

Dunning Krueger.

And in 200, video diaries of it will be part of a twist ending to a Margaret Atwood novel about women in a totalitarian regime! Which will be made into a lackluster Hulu show.

So... I have been to other countries and they always have an “International / Specialty Foods” aisle, which usually has Oreos, peanut butter and, various types of ketchup.

Living in California the aisles here usually are “Mexican and pan asian”. But you can also find local version of those items throughout the store.

First of all... Mannequin is Pygmalion for idiots, and even then it’s a pretty solid movie.

SECONDLY... Meshach Taylor is not a gay stereotype, he is THE gay stereotype. He was amazing enough to basically be Billy Porter before Billy Porter was Billy Porter so that Billy Porter COULD BE Billy Porter. So don’t even try