
It’s not evolution it’s our education system. 

Someone give these idiots flu covered blankets to keep their kids warm.


I’m going to lay this out here simply.

This is an issue with her PR / Publicist and not her. At this point she’s a product for a company and I can guarantee you that she has little control over her public persona - outside of just living her life.

Secondly. How are you try and drag a woman (white or otherwise) for

I agree Torry Lorem’s line isn’t going to touch my American ass until it’s made by white hands.

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.”
TRUMP 2020

the same sluts that rejected us, the same sluts that chose the god damn cool kids over us. The same sluts that are coming into our community, taking the money, taking the subs, the same way they did back in the day.”


This is some normal, “HOW IS THAT RACIST, I HAVE BLACK FRIENDS” white woman thinking...

The whole, “I didn’t even think about doing it, why is everyone so upset” angle is where the truth in the matter lies.

She’s never had to think about her actions before, she just comes in acts like a white savior and walks out. She

So you’re saying it’s a Shuckle’s ghost?

Is she converting people into overweight teem lesbians? Cus... I mean... I’d be down.

Climate change will kill the rest.

The Roberts women need to just lock Eric in an attic somewhere for a few years to calm his hysteria.

That’s been their MO for quite some time... They blatantly steal illustrations, images, and anything they can from small to large designers, make a ton of it and when they get slapped with a C&D they say sorry and pull the item. They then offer a small fee to the person they stole from... and are usually sued and have

Actually the real Tea here is the fact that Trump was under the impression that Fox News “worked” FOR Nazis and Racists... 

She’s a collaborator. Auntie Milania is on her own.

Everytime I rewatch that sketch I always catch something new... like the weighted blanket, or the tupperware of ramen. It was hands down the best thing I have seen all year.

I’m on the PAC MAN Diet... I just eat pills off the floor of dimly lit rooms with repetitive electronic music playing, eating the ghosts that chase me, along with an occasional cherry, orange, pretzel... or some other flood that happens to be be floating by.

I waited 30 minutes and almost missed a meeting to get 2 of these... They were both AMAZING, way better than chik-fil-a.