Horses don’t have udders...
Horses don’t have udders...
Her family is rich, and she has never wanted for anything.
Lena Dunham is a Fox News Feminist. She’s the white, defiantly non-intersectional, first wave reactionary feminist that Fox news likes to use as their “all feminists are this” scarecrow.
She is the liberal version of Milo Yiannopoulos. She is not to be listened to. She is not to be trusted.
She is only in this for…
I don’t think this is valid anymore... there’s no coupon.
I don’t think this is valid anymore... there’s no coupon.
yes... and?
As a psychopath I would agree that there are WAY more than you would assume... however we’re not all bad.
Some of us use our power for good.... because we want to, right now...
ICE is the new SS.
As a gay dude, that was the survivor of childhood assaults by his kindergarden teacher - you DO get over PTSD... to an extent, where you are functional.
And as someone who was recently sexually assaulted by a much older man while out shopping it did bring all of that back up.
Like when white men shoot up a school, or a concert... when do we get to start making laws that put white men in camps when we feel scared of them?
Thats how stupid you sound.
I listened to all of her albums, she’s one of the best artists out right now. Her work is challenging, and it’s not meant for everyone. It’s not “pop”.
And yes... a lot of people love her. Her shows are sold out in minutes, her art exhibits have wait times of upwards of 5 hours to get into, and she consistently goes…
And Ellen’s...
Still a better Klingon than anything Brain Fuller made.
Kelly Ann’s Nagini is not much better... but she did get that snake skin effect perfectly.
That’s the worst Dolores Umbridge costume I’ve EVER seen. She didn’t even get the hair color right.
You are a minority. Very few people care about performance / graphics. Look at how poorly the Xbox is doing in Japan.
People care about game narrative, portability, and library. Nintendo has hit all three again. The last few in house games they put out have been amazing. The system is designed to be picked up and…
No she’s opportunistic trash that came out after she was forced out. And like Spacey - she used her camouflage to live her life in secret... until she couldn’t any more.
She’s trash, and he’s trash. Both are trash that used privilege to fuck over their community while using that community as a shield.
I hold my…