Skippy the McWaffle

Trump can’t see the brown cloud from where he sits, so therefore it’s completely fake and made up.


I like Fox-body Mustangs, I’m an advocate for Fox-body Mustangs, but you have to admit some of the coupes were weirdly, aggressively beige.

Yay! My Mini likes to pretend he is a race car.

The @35 refers to “at 35 [years old]”... to commemorate the introduction of the first great Charger, the FWD L body, 35 years ago.


The advance in my town has a part time guy (Tuesday and Thursday nights 4-8) who has owned a decent sized repair shop as his full time job for 30+ years. He’s got all the certs of a dealer tech and only works at advance because he and his wife are empty nesters and he needed a hobby.  THAT is the guy you ask for tips

Here come the Mustang crash jokes

At 6-8K, I might have bought it.

So close. Hardest CP decision I’ve ever made. 14 large just seems a little too much for a car that isn’t quite perfect.

Literally no-one is asked to go back to carburetors.

They probably came over from a link from Gizmodo or something.

Apparently he’s never been to a race track or smelled Q16

Exactly, back to Gizmodo.......

I prefer to believe the alternative fact that these lovely toxins are good for your health.

You’re no Jalop. Where did you come from?

You said that about the candy!

I feel like a lot of these full-time drivers are missing the point of Uber. It was originally conceived as a way to make some extra cash on top of a regular job, not to replace a full-time job entirely. Also, buying/leasing a new car just to drive for Uber isn’t exactly a wise choice. What I tell people is to find out