Skippy the McWaffle

Probably to declare losses so you can avoid paying taxes. Imagine what a tragedy it would be if that wealth would be shared with the dirty poor ?

I’d rather be entertained by racing.

I’m no pointless patriot so if offered beer o’clock with Vettel or Hamilton it’s easy to pick Vettel, he’d be a laugh, he’d have good chat and would drink his beer.. Hamilton would sip a cocktial, check his social media account and his reflection in the mirror.

And this is the flag

Thank you for doing the author’s job for him.

No such thing as a Nico fan. They’re just Hamilton haters who will support anyone who opposes Hamilton.

Airbagnition failures only killed people, and people are expendable. Amilearningitright?

Do you actually think Dodge would spend money on a new ad campaign for something with only 43 more HP?

I recently bumped into a brand new 2017 Mercedes SUV with my 2005 Element in an extremely tight parking lot. He was backing out and I didn’t pay close enough attention when I backed out.

Not sure if you’re serious, but I’ve been a fully accredited professional photographer for several years. Search my name on this site, and you’ll get to see over 100 different contributions.

One Alfa Romeo pic? ONE?

That’s called opportunism.

His secret service detail will drop every mustang owner as a potential threat


“At some point someone will tell you to get on the plane. I say F you, I’m getting IN the plane! IN the plane, not ON the plane! Let Evel Knievel get ON the plane! I’ll be in here with you folks in uniform. There seems to be less wind in here!”

If you’re sitting on the wing, you’re in the smoking section.

I don’t understand why one of the more successful teams in GTLM would want to emulate Ferrari, but here we are, I guess.