Now we just need Samsung to buy Ferrari and we’re set...
That was the article to beat on Jalop. Amazing work Alex. Great piece. This guy sounds like a very down to earth guy who really is passionate and good with what he does. That is amazing.
Alex Zanardi has repeated his 2012 Paralympic gold medal victory in the hand-cycling time trial today, just before…
Hey, Pittsburgh people: if any of you steal one of these Ubers, email us and tell us what it’s like at
So I guess I can make a whole car out of it? Good.
Remember when comments like this actually won COTD?
Yeah, I can tell you didn’t sleep well last night. ;D
When we asked for a CRX we got a CR-Z. We didn’t ask for the CR-Z.
Murica: Honda why u no give us civic hatchback?????
question: if you need a Ford GT to get a new Ford GT does selling your existing Ford GT in order to pay for your new Ford GT after you get the letter saying you can buy the new Ford GT revoke your ability to purchase the new Ford GT since you are no longer in possession of the old Ford GT when you take delivery of the…