Skippy the McWaffle

When you’re a lanesplitting motorcyclist in Los Angeles, you keep passing through a pack, then there’s a space where the front of the pack is accelerating to catch the back of the pack in front of them. Then you get to the front and you either see what’s causing the problem.

“How Not To Get Stuck In Traffic: Don’t Drive TROLLOLOLOL.”

Funny, I know more women with ST’s then men.

This should say:

Yes they are stupid.

Does that really matter? There are a bunch of excellent F1 drivers that started with crap, backmarker teams.

Is it me or does this early 90s F1 look so much better than the McHonda MP4-31(with similar colors):


People have no idea what they are talking about...

And people say ‘80s cars are ugly.

“He expected it to be his daughter’s DD. That apparently didn’t work out..”

I think the Austin Healey chaser should be standard at Jalopnik, that made my day.

“That is the angry middle class we have,” he said. “The guys who can’t come out of high school anymore and get a good job and have a cabin Up North. They have to have two jobs, their wife has to work; they have to borrow a bunch of money to send their kids to college. It’s got to come to a head at some point.”

I don’t want kids. I want a car that’s reliable and fun. Those exist, and they’re not Kia Spectras.


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