DeTomaso Pantera
DeTomaso Pantera
Doing burnouts in front of the Arlington National Cemetery wouldn't be in poor taste. It would be perfect, for freedom.
Ah, a pedants pedant. I like the cut of your correctly trimmed jib.
I bought a 2016 focus ST last month.
Why are you making me visit Urban Dictionary in the headline, I’m not even that old...
Feel free to arrest your Mom when she crosses the Brooklyn Bridge
A lot of enthusiasts balk at Consumer Reports (although I can tell you their car staff is a bunch of first-rate gearheads just like us)
Where I live, 23hp merging onto the freeway gets you a 4000lb suppository in the form of a soccer mom paying attention to literally everything else on the planet that isn’t the road 100' in front of her bumper.
There's only one way to find out. To the Kickstarter!!!
LOL. I resign my king. Good game.
You drive to work 8 hours a day? You should move closer to work :)
You shit on everyone’s suggestions and then come here and post this - fucking shocker.
Talk about relaxing...
Just a few years late to the party!!!