Well Spoken Waffles

Protip: You can plug your Tesla into this and charge it while driving.

Protip: You can plug your Tesla into this and charge it while driving.

What do you think goes into Penang curry?

I want to see the Thanoscopter.

It’s seems that like their stock, they crashed.

I’m glad I scrolled down before posting exactly this :)

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Never bought the toy, but the ear-piercing commercial made an impression during my childhood...

Mental health issues can be terrible. You inevitably feel like it’s you vs. yourself.

I will add that

But I closed that program. I CLOSED IT!

Nail on the head. I saw it last night and loved it. If they hadn’t spoiled that plot point it would have made my experience in the theater even better.

Remember when destiny first launched and the worst people had to complain about was getting screwed out of good loot by Master Rahool?

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The rumors also claim that Genisys is taking itself even less seriously than Terminator 3, which I don't think the trailer bears out as a direction.

Doesnt look like much of a longtail to me.

Nah, this is

....... most child cop ever......

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Reminds me of some of the ridiculous stuff that could be done in Fighter Maker 2. I wish I could find a really funny video I vaguely remember from years ago, but I couldn't find it so this one is okay I guess:


This board has metal armor on the back too. Very rigid. Also, it comes with the ability to watercool. No real need to water cool a mobo but if you have a custom loop you might as well.

Several stories of Russian cosmonauts flying out of earth orbit into open space too. Others suffocating. Pretty horrible stuff.