Well Spoken Waffles

during the uk coverage they never mentioned mclaren’s slow pitstop. or if they did i fell asleep and woke up when people started cheering for vettel...

when the oracle eddie jordan mentioned bernie might be out, i almost cheered and jumped for joy

the tyre rules kinda suck a bit. there’s so many tyres to choose from, why not let the teams or drivers choose the tyres that would work best for them, and scrap this 2 compound rule where they have to use both of them?

i don’t get the reason for the grumpy cat

gotta be the one to ask, but what does IMHO stand for? i thought it was a sound you made with your mouth

there was a forum thread once. it was absolutely epic

they’re alola versions of the classic ww2 nazis

i’m hoping for race car like grid starts, where everybody moves together. instead of the concertina effect of nobody moving for seemingly forever from green lights

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this was on jalopnik a while ago - the lambo doesn’t even have to be going very fast to totally wreck it. all it needs is (in this case) an incompetent driver turning in on the car and an unfortunately placed pole

should have cut to the speedo barely touching 30, old top gear style

that was kinda crude...

did you ever wonder how cow and chicken’s parents became just legs?

i actually feel bad for that unnamed worker - there wouldn’t even be teeth left to try and identify him.

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the karma moment should be on loop to kirby’s gourmet race song. a-la greatest freakout ever

galacticus changing a flickering lightbulb?

it’s a bmw pigeon

better equipment will always favour the nations that can afford it (at least in the olympics)

“... once you’ve seen one diglett you’ve seen them all...”

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still kicks a better penalty than simone zaza

oooh oooh! lemme try!