Well Spoken Waffles

isn’t this supposedly the fastest accelerating electric car or something?

ah, the courtship display of a porsche 911 cup car... majestic

tyre pressure monitors that either tell you how much air is exactly in your tyre, and which tyre is which. no use saying “a tyre is losing air” and not tell me which one.

how much money has to be thrown at my screen for this to happen in reality?

have they checked craigslist?

go dasher! go blitzen! go prancer! go vixen! go... oh come on cupid, what the hell was that!? WHAT THE HELL!? last again out of the gates?

technically, to hold the official record you’ve got to make a reverse pass - i think within half an hour, or something


“seat belts? pftt... how strong is your grip?”

i’m pretty sure there’s an option to remove the panamera badge (for a fee)

it’s just phone interference. he’s really trying to make a phone call - the windows aren’t supposed to move

he directed kes! i recognised this style immediately - it’s the only film of his i watched, it’s that distinct

“... i just can’t get it wet!...”

i would like to think the robot arm would have a say in the matter. punching a gropey person spinning if they even attempted it

i’m seeing it now. the rabbit is raikkonen, overtaking schumacher at spa, 2012

oh god shield bugs! i made the mistake of squishing one once - i will never forget the smell

it’s a track which doesn’t focus on power. none of the top 5 had mercedes powered engines - 3 of them were the renault powered cars, known to be the second worst engine in f1 today. the 5th is the honda, currently the worst engine in f1 today.

Now playing

it reminds me of this gem posted not too long ago here

still, though, it’s better than the camera on my cd player

looking back, the count dooku vs yoda fight in episode 2 hasn’t aged well at all. that’s my beef with cgi - with puppets or animatronics the film looks like it could have been shot during any time period, it can look so realistic. with cgi, it only improves to the point past efforts look bad.