
“Team Beachbody” is one I see all the time on Facebook. Apparently I have a bunch of “trainer” acquaintances (many of whom are out of shape) selling outrageously priced supplements. The main ingredients can be bought for a fraction of the price on Amazon. 

How are strikers to get to and from the airport? Parking is kinda pricey.

True, we all make mistakes. Having the passenger flip off the motorcyclist as he approached probably didn’t help. I love it when someone flips me off after their carelessness.

Was the cell phone a Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

32 is an impressive age to compete at an olympic caliber in swimming. Not so impressive to be a drunken, alley pissing vandal at 32. Fit, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life. Nah, he probably has it pretty good.