If you’re a political activist and have been watching what the Democratic Party leadership has done to newly elected officials over the past 6 years, you’d think twice about running too.
If you’re a political activist and have been watching what the Democratic Party leadership has done to newly elected officials over the past 6 years, you’d think twice about running too.
Nancy Pelosi has waaaaaaay more to do with wearing down progressive women in Congress than any grumpy people on the Internet.
I love the grays trying to excuse “the system.” Sure, if you leave your chickens out at night in an open field and a fox kills them, the fox still killed the chickens. I didn’t excuse the fox, now did I?
Conservatives don’t care about the homeless. Liberals say they do, then make excuses why they can’t vote or fund for housing projects. Typically something about property values...
Know what could’ve helped? If they had a place they could call home.
“Yahoo” donors are more powerful than many party officials, so the distinction is w/o difference. And let’s not pretend this is an outlier/uncommon refrain from “pragmatic” racists who are "on your side, really". I’ll give my vote to the candidates who neither practice racism nor ask me to overlook racism, in people…
It seems like white people are racist, no matter their politics, who would have been surprised about that, oh yeah, dumb fucking white people.
THIS is why the Democratic Party loses elections. Stop hand-wringing over “electability” and start supporting good candidates!
Why the snark about Elizabeth Warren? If you want to address night shift workers and the disabled, that’s an issue to take to the state election board, not blame the only candidate who addressed the issue
Jesus. I hope you, “CanAnyoneReadThis?” and all the people who starred your comments take some time to reflect on why you felt the need to post this, and on just how many miles over your head the fundamental point of this article appears to have sailed. holy shit. wow.
Democrats doing the dumping, Republicans are the trash.
Somehow there’s never the votes. Somehow there’s always a Manchin or a Sinema who’s ready to take the hit so we don’t have to actually make any progress. I agree that not voting is gonna make things worse, but it’s pretty hard to justify “voting will make things better” at this point. The modern GOP is an amoral death…
Please, please, please, please, please actually read what I said.
You gotta work on your reading comprehension, champ.
I hope Democrats, especially centrist ones, take this to heart. For too long, the Democratic response to any injustice has been “VOTE!”, as though they were totally incapable of action until they had a supermajority in every level of government. Well, we can see how well that is working out. I’m hoping that…
Obama told Planned Parenthood at a campaign event in 2008: “The first thing I will do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act”. After his first 100 days in office he stated “The Freedom of Choice Act is not my highest legislative priority. The most important thing we can do is to tamp down some of the anger…
I know hindsight is 20/20, but when they had the actual majority when Obama was in office, that was the time to make safe abortion legal.
Usually how it goes. Grassroots at the local level since the Dems are useless as usual.
“What does it mean if one feels they were “actually supposed to be a boy” or a girl?”
Oh wow you’ve got a Democrat friend how nice. While spouting right-wing talking points about trans folks, among other gems from your commenting history: