
Except that people who support trans people in sports aren’t saying “gender doesn’t matter”. We’re mostly saying “trans women who have been on estrogen and anti-androgens for a few years have no notable advantage over cis women”, which is very different from the straw man you’ve constructed here.

Perhaps everyone about to make an anti-trans comment should consider for a second who their allies are in that fight. If being on the side of Nazis and people who think women should be barefoot and pregnant doesn't give you pause...

The entire trend of videos that are “fuck with your pet by doing X” needs to die. Some of the things are harmless but all of them encourage the attitude that pets are entertainment instead of responsibility.

I’m not sure that’s a good goal to have. Our ideas of fairness are not necessarily a democracy-even if 99 people out of 100 think something is fair, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is. And when you are asking people who have a vested interest in the outcome, in narrowing their competitive field, it’s hard to

“I mean, I guess he could argue that the big dumb boilerplate movies are taking away funding/audiences/box office from more thoughtful movies...”

Democrats control Congress in real life.  Joe Manchin is a Democrat.  If Joe Manchin won’t do something Democrats promised to do, that’s a problem directly attributable to Democrats, of which Joe Manchin is one.

Sounds like she got all the Napoleon complexes riled up something fierce.

Right? I don’t have the context, but I read this as a clearly ironic statement on her romantic preference for taller men. It seems like something you would see on a viral tweet: “[me, aimlessly staring at Bumble profiles] men under 170 cm don’t have human rights”

because they’re either spineless or malevolent.

Corporations, managers, bosses, etc. can not be trusted to look after the needs of workers. Period. Unions are a necessity in the workplace. As the American worker has been squeezed for more productivity while wages have stagnated and cost of living has increased, our standard of living, health outcomes and

One of the biggest misconceptions of unions is that they are automatically the enemy of the workplace—if baristas are pushing to unionize, then they must hate Starbucks. In fact, the opposite is often true. Many leaders in organizing do so because they don’t want to leave their job, their coworkers, their bosses, and

I agree, “defund the police” is not the policy of the Democratic Party. And that’s the problem. People like Pelosi are part of the problem. The Democratic Party aren’t leftists. We need a leftist party.

This coming from someone who practically worships Jim Clyburn?

Of course you came here to shit on progressives. Meanwhile police funding is actually going up and they’re continuing to murder us with impunity.

Of course ‘Defend The Police’ is not part of the democratic party’s platform, its not like they care about anything meaningful or anything that would bring substantial change to the lives of black people, so to hell with them.

Oh fuck off, you understand what it means. Everyone except the rabid right understands what it means, and saying that people will not understand what it means is just yet another mendacious lie from the right who want a new policy name to twist and deliberately misrepresent instead of continuing to lose ground as

Then the cops and politicians need to step up and end this.

I blame Russian figure skating children failing drug tests on Eteri, she is a child abuser.

The Canadian Indigenous people who have protested would like a word with anyone who thinks rural Canadians are all that different from rural Americans.

America’s the equivalent of someone who’s gotten an arm ripped off during a car accident and they simply don’t understand why the knockoff Spongebob Squarepants adhesive bandage they’ve delivered isn’t being treated like the manna from Heaven it so obviously is. Republicans wouldn’t even give you a bandage!!