
“A character briefly mentions having two moms” is like the lowest, laziest form of representation. At least Finding Dory put their lesbian extras onscreen for a few seconds

Oh but there is.

You really wanna modernize The Firm, Camilla?

Harry and Meghan never said they didn’t want their titles or titles for their kids. Charles In Charge started talking about taking titles from Archie while Meghan was pregnant and still a working royal. Charles also said that no titles meant no security for their kids - the ones the royals let the press whip up a

Is this the same snowflake that had Gawker shut down? He can fuck right off.

“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’ve stood up and said we’re not

Now that is some thinly veiled, very tart haterade. One can be racially ambiguous, and aware of their privilege at the same time, these things are not mutually exclusive. Was she supposed to turn down roles because of how she appears or presents?! Chiiiiiile.

Regardless of the original review or Stenberg’s reaction to it, Wilson taking the private conversation public while simultaneously complaining about how Stenberg’s public persona gives her power is absolutely absurd. It’s one of those cases where the reaction overshadows the initial infraction.

The only person with visible cleavage (admittedly from the pictures I have seen) is Amandla. And as a someone with big boobs, it is very easy to show cleavage. It’s kind of shitty to exist as someone with a bigger chest and then be criticized as your movie being an advertisement for cleavage. It’s the same thing women

Lesbian or not, it’s clear the author of the review is using her white womanhood to try and become the victim when messaged by a black actress she wrote a review on. 

Just to clarify, are you suggesting that she did not, in fact, take the most private jet trips this year, and that these bloggers are lying? Or, she actually did take the most private jet trips this year, but each of her 170+ trips was an attempt to escape this warzone you speak of, and each time she discovered,

Y’all=Black women should feel empowered and should be loud about claiming their own in the face of adversity and deceit!
Also y’all= Sorry Kelis, not you. Deal with it.

Why? Everyone knows Pharrell is a music industry snake and Kelis has been vocal about this for decades. We’ve seen countless Black women singers get swindled, bamboozled, lied to ad defrauded from their music. So why does Kelis, also an adult, need to be silent?

How many dozens of accusations of theft does it take for a fandom to wake up to the fact that their ‘Queen’ is not the bastion of virtuous feminism and progressive idealism they believe she is?

That whole line of “reasoning” is so completely unimaginative, so pedestrian, so derivative. These writers and directors and show runners think they’re great, groundbreaking artists, and the best they can do in a world with dragons and magic and zombie kings is... “I know, let’s rape and torture some women—and maybe a

Can we just get the Musks and rest of the edgelords and douche bros in one place and then:

She a war criminal. Fuck her. 

I think Dems want a candidate who will take the fight to the GOP. Biden is an old school, bipartisan politician trying to negotiate with the Mitch McConnels of the world. He’s naive and is too tepid in his response to issues that are important to progressives. He’s old and slower, of that there’s no doubt. I’d like

Biden won but he didn’t win for being Biden, he won for not being Trump. Once he got in, the whole, ‘vote for me then hold me accountable’ started happening and politicians who don’t actually care about the issues that their voters do don’t like that. He never planned on doing most of the things people begrudgingly

No surprise....the majority of Dems would have voted for an inanimate carbon rod over fucking Trump. Biden just happened to be that rod (and just as smart).  The old fuck has effectively said fuck off to anyone under 30 and does as little as possible to take on the trials of the day to day for anyone who isn’t up his