
I misread this as the legality for gays to get a marriage license in all states. Which would be the hugest deal ever.

I read so many of these crazy stories on this thread that I can’t remember if you got out...but if you did, I’m glad as hell about it.

Bark at men.

Holee Fuck, LolaCat momma! Glad you got out!

You are a star.

What is PEP?

Omg I worked with exactly this guy!! What are your theories for how he stayed employed?

wtf! Where was HR? They could sue for getting wrongfully terminated. Tell me there are LAWWWWS

Not to be glib, but couldn’t you cite how this was illegal? Start recording? Is there an HR? Nail this guy! Don’t let his reign continue!

Yay another Nye head!

Well said!

Internalized misogyny is a hell of a thing.

ilu, seriously.

Open your goddamn eyes and understand that he kills men with a narrow definition of masculinity and it is key that there be a complicit woman in all his material to uphold rigid, patriarchal standards of behaviour.

We know this feeling is well described by astronauts who’ve had the chance to experience the awe of being a tiny ape looking at the collective planet.

I’m also lucky enough to not have had this part of me deadened, and I do experience awe - sometimes to the degree that I question if I overexperience awe, or is it that

Dear fucking Lorde, if this was racist hate speech, how would it be allowed to proceed? Gotta get that raping/dosing/murdering women up there on the same level of UN-ACCEPT-ABLE.

Dear fucking lord, if this was racist hate speech, how would it be allowed to proceed?

Gotta get that raping/dosing/murdering women up there with the same level of UN-ACCEPT-ABLE.

I love this. See, this is what patriarchal pressure has us missing out on.

Inside me, some pre-marriage version of myself is just twitching to take a good looking 25 year old on his first ride.

This is right up there with a “push-gift” - diamonds and clams ($$$) for pushin dat baby flesh out of the womb. I wretched when I met the group of women who let me in on this fucked up secret.

Why do people get married? Can’t we call these relationships of convenience to get all the pretty shiny things and blow jobs?