
Die, Gen X, die. New office, new work force, new school > old school.

Brutal...thanks for the warning though, saved me the time.

Two things:

Husband and I electric guitar and bassing after 7 happy years together is like starting the relationship all over again in the best way.

Tell me he's an awesome swimmer.

I know - no one warned me that these onesies would make fools of me in the public toilets, and my logic did not extend beyond "I look bangin in this!!"

Fuck, more people need to read and understand this. All the stars for you.

Jesus fuck I would cut that malignant ape out of my life.

"I'm sorry, go ahead—I'm sorry [nervous laughter]"

shit no she's on cycle 12 first - cycle 17 is a callback of the allstars

Allison Harvard of cycle 17! BOOM. Go now, enjoy.

I have to ask my friend who knows it all obsessively bc if I wiki it I will see the winners of the last few seasons I haven't caught up on myself.

Wow. That must take a lot of strength to handle all those changed and the physical repercussions. I only have IBS and it's time, energy and self-esteem consuming.


Honestly, nothing helped the deep depressions of my acne scars like rosehip oil. It is unfortunately stupidly expensive - like $24.00 for a bottle that lasts 3 months. But that's in Canada, so check your Wallgreens or whatever - or Whole Foods, because I get mine from a family grocer's called Goodness Me.

Gurl, catch up on your ANTM like right now. That was a great season and this woman was hella fun to watch model.


we as a human beings are incapable of consistent rational, empathic thought and action.

I am not being sarcastic when I reply to you: please write more of your thoughts about this. Let's talk about exploitation and physical harm, to start with. Also, if there's any place that fails to fight patriarchal norms of masculinity and femininity and how they interact, it's *most* porn.

Real answer that takes a lot of strength by observing the system we (men and women) are trapped in: