But it only protects the institutionalized contempt for women. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO CHANGE.
But it only protects the institutionalized contempt for women. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO CHANGE.
GIRL I did not think your stock in my heart could crash through the ceiling like that 'til you say you're a Canuck too.
That was just an awesome post.
The States is so fucking stupid. I can't believe universities allow this.
Not sure if I'm even feeling funny about this, bc this whole article made me 180 degrees turn away from wanting to ever meet my birth parents now.
God I miss Will.
Who the fuck is Britney Spears?
New phone background! Can't get a very high fidelity one though :/
Sidebar story: as a little wellingtonbear cub I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark (my first Indie, and my first high budget Nazi flick) and mum and dad cut it off for bedtime right at the point where Indie and Lady Fluffydress get sealed into the tomb.
Most desperate and thrilling nightmares of my life that night.
You must have strangled your wrists not to type DUH at the end of that.
I have loved every live Little Shop of Horrors I have ever seen. Does that not fit the family bill also? More accurate portrayal of dentists for all!
How do high school talent shows live inside grown people for so long?
Doxxing matters a fuckload to the quality of my life.
At the risk of your own life, though.
The truth of that makes me so scared and sad, even as I type this from the office of my own business. Misogyny is like a persistent, cold, damp draft blowing into even the finest shelters I build for myself.
Ugh. I'm sure any one of us would love to be a trading card of credibility, right?