
Ooof, that’s painful and pretty much insurmountable. 

Absolutely love minivans and our next vehicle will once again add one to the fleet, I just really really really wish someone would release a quality PHEV minivan with a rated towing capacity equal to their ICE counterpart (~3500 lb) in the North American market.

Oh, behave..

A running driving car for under four grand? And one that looks this good?

1st gear: as much as I hope for few to none pedestrian injuries/deaths, I can’t say the same thing about fiery crashes and demises of Tesla bros who foolishly go for trusting their vehicle’s demonstrably broken software. Let ‘em crash and burn.

Great track (and album)!

yeah, well, I don’t want it anyway

6th Gear/E-brake Slide into Rollover Crash: Elon met with Iran’s ambassador to the UN “to diffuse tensions between the US and Iran” because the Logan Act isn’t a thing anymore I guess?

Aww, just look at that l’il fella. Can I adopt it?

Jesus, look at that decrepit fucker.


cue Yakety Sax...

I had a campus meal plan one year during uni many, many moons ago, and can guarantee cockroaches would have been an improvement over much of what was on offer in the main cafeteria

Never have and never will eat in-flight meals 🤢

A most excellent selection for today, Collin

While I wanted to post a snarky FA;FO, after reading...

“Cybertruck is tougher than a bag of nailssays man who is dumber than a bag of rocks and as useful as a bag of smashed assholes

Thank you for the inclusion of some 2-wheeled delightful madness. (And a big fuck you to Jalop’s current overlords and their continued insistence of the use of these shitty slideshows to artificially inflated click counts.)

My brother keeps sending me this guy’s videos. Some, like this one, are a bop; others are simply bananas. All are an enjoyable enough distraction so no complaints from me. More importantly, very glad to see Traffic Jams return.

Different strokes for different folks — I’d wager you’ve found yourself where a lot of people do who ride and have wanderlust... and then find life just doesn’t support doing much of it in its current iteration. Because I still do have that pull to get out there and am hitting a stage in life that actually makes it