
Worth sharing with every Ted Cruz related article:

No, he’s not doing what you think he’s doing. Stop thinking he’s doing that just because that’s what it looks like he’s doing

Apologies if it’s noted in the article and I’ve missed it (migraine making it hard to read carefully this morning) but are all 4 episodes dropping at once or is this a weekly drop through the month of May?

Despite how much we love them, cars make people do dumb things.

It hasn’t even technically been greenlit yet, because Tina Sinatra, who controls her father’s estate, hasn’t signed off on the project.

I have been riding for well over 30 years, always with proper boots, jackets, gloves, etc., and for the last 20+ have been a hi-viz wearing rider so as to be better seen (with the side benefit that LEO don’t seem to care if I’m moving a little faster than what’s posted - when I can been seen from the next county over,

“Enough with this Rob Schneider bullshit. America’s sick of it,” America says

Nice! I have the 2018 GT Sport in Phoenix Orange (and also love it) 

No comment on the i5N itself (I am not the target demo) but I love, love, love that periwinkle blue paint scheme. I so very much wanted the Veloster N that showed up in similar livery a handful of years back but was denied by a sweeping decision of Wellgruntled Inc.’s C-suite

New feature for the Stainless Steel Aztec unlocked: Full Self-Acceleration Mode!


Everybody’s got somebody to lean on

Solid choice today. (As always with songs on the road, YMMV.)

May your anchor be tight, your cork be loose, your rum be spiced, and your compass be true.

“Exactly as I expected it would happen.” - Melon Usk, placing an empty pepper grinder on the back of his sofa before giving himself a wedgie, the latest moves of the ketamine-fueled 5D chess match he continues to play with himself...

While it’s debatable whether this is the darkest timeline (as bleak as it is, it could be -- perhaps still will be — worse), I truly believe it’s the stupidest.

Post links are to the now year-old initial reporting at EBT. Here’s the updated (and rather interesting) story: