
I already had a backlog when my old gaming rig died about a decade ago; over the years that followed I collected a plethora more via Steam sales, Humble Bundles, giveaways (Epic and GOG), and gifts while only being able to play Bastion and Dead Cells on a laptop.

/cue Inception braaaahm

Due to the rapid growth of today’s channel which has seen over 7,000 members join, a technical difficulty has led to reactions being paused. We are working with Discord to get reactions turned back on.

In another comment here, I acknowledged that:

I’ve never heard of Hilarie Burton before and odds are I never will again but the bluntness of her calling out Kirk’s sister like that is simply...

I appreciate all of that -- the past you came through, your sharing of it, your continued battling as you move forward... all of it — and am right there with you

I’m not a fair-weather rider but I avoid any type of slick in colder temperatures (below 8 C/46 F). If conditions are dry, I can layer plenty well enough to stay warm for a commute (until it gets to around -20 C/-4 F), but if it’s wet I park it: only two points of contact which are already compromised by the

I’m not a pilot but, after talking with a handful of people I know who are, it would seem that the approach angle of the P-63 would have had the B-17 completely in it’s blind spot: those planes have an incredible FOV but only for things at or above the level orientation of the plane; anything below the cockpit is

Neutral: what’s the weather forecast for where are you are, where you’re headed, and the space in between? If it’s the skies and roads look to be staying clear, ride; if there’s rain, snow, sleet, hail, blizzards, typhoons, etc. in the forecast at all, buy a train ticket.

Alternatively, you could not watch at all rather than support such a contaminated and broken event/organization/country

I’m usually a “to each their own” kind of person but that’s an abomination. XD

It’s a small sample size but a recent survey of me states that price is the biggest issue with range/charging access on the road as close seconds. I ride regularly and have for a long time, both as a commuter and long haul back road tripper, but as interested as I am in EV motos - both conceptually and in several

As said by others, between bumping stock value and drawing eyes away from the dumpster fire that is Twitter, this is almost certainly little more than an empty-promise of a distraction by a serial shit-stirrer

This was an absolute delight to read - kudos to you for going on the adventure and thank you so much for sharing the tale!

How I imagine the conversation with Tesla went: