
The issue now is who’s going to replace him. The interim leader is bad enough - will their new one go full on MAGA or bring back the old authoritarian style of Harper to keep the Cons together? For all his flaws as a politician - and I can’t believe I’m thinking this - I appreciated O’Toole as a person for his

The amount and type of nonsense these idiots and their supporters are spewing on their Zello channel would be laughable if so much of it wasn’t both terrifying and infuriating.

I haven’t been in any vehicle with any kind of driver assist akin to what’s talked about here or in Teslas, etc. but I have to think that, done correctly, with your unfettered focus on what the car’s systems are doing, at the ready to take over at any moment, would be more tiring/numbing than actually doing the

They are Schrodinger’s Asshole.

I’m all for this and would like to see it in more places in the same fashion: at highway speed and even regular surface street speed, splitting is stupid; at a crawl, filtering makes sense. A major public awareness campaign would need to accompany it to try and head off the Chads and Karens who will lose their

All good!

I said racists abound across this country and then shared where I’ve seen it worse; my lack of calling out everywhere else doesn’t negate such abhorrent beliefs and behaviour from existing there too.

1/ Kenney is an asshat that needs to leave office.

“If you’re feeling tired while driving, the best and safest thing to do is pull off the road and into a safe area where you can nap for 15-30 minutes...

I have the first game on Steam though I still haven’t played it (working through a digital stockpile of titles) and am curious on opinions as to whether this series feels better with M&K or gamepad. Historically, I find melee-focused, non-shooting 3rd person games (Assassin’s Creed, for instance) to be delightful with

But if you’ve ever been curious on how one tackles the world, especially by bike, Itchy Boots is one account worth subscribing to.

I haven’t had food delivered in at least 15 years and back then it was delivered by a person that cooked at the food premise between deliveries. I hate dealing with strangers at my door and, further, I don’t trust strangers to act as intermediaries between the establishment I order food from and getting said food order

My genuine hope is that this becomes a super-spreader event among the collected unvaxxed with the “Canada Unity” organizers and the rest of the neo-nazis fuckwits among them dropping dead before they can get to a hospital and tie up limited and valuable resources.

Rear gunner position, Torch

Very cool!

Thank you for typing all that out; my attempts at posting before this was a lot of typing out and then deleting FUCKYOUALLFUCKYOUALLFUCKYOUALL.

Now playing

The best part of that top video was the inclusion of Mr. Scruff’s Kalimba at the end